
We've made it through the first 10 days!

Phew! We made it through the first week and a half and we are all doing great! Besides being the most tired I have ever been in my entire life, I am recovering well and starting to feel human again! :) Rocco has been off work since I gave birth and has been a wonderful help! Addison is adjusting beautifully to life outside the womb and we could not be more in love with her. She had her first check up on Monday and has already surpassed her birth weight (now weighing 7lbs 2oz) so that made mommy very happy! She has been a real angel... already giving us lots of smiles, eating like a champ, taking long naps, and loving bath time! She especially loves getting her hair washed... hmmmm, wonder if she'll like to get pampered like her mommy. :) We really couldn't have asked for a sweeter baby girl.

I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for their kind words, cards, flowers, balloons, cookies, dinners, gifts for Addi, and visits! We feel so incredibly blessed to have such an amazing support system! Thank you especially to Grammy, Harmony, and GrannZ who have cooked, cleaned, and even babysat so that mommy could get some rest! And a special thanks to Grammy who bought Addi a bunch of preemie clothes to keep her adorable and comfortable while she is still just a little peanut. :) We love you!!!

Here are just some fun pictures of Addison over the last 10 days. Enjoy!

The Crea's

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